One hundred tweens from all over Spain, aged between 10 and 12 and in vulnerable situations embarked on the “Big 5 Adventure”. These hundred boys and girls became adventurers as they received all the necessary equipment to spend a weekend in nature, surrounded by wildlife, and with the purpose of seeing the “big five” of the Iberian Peninsula in their natural habitat: the bear, the wolf, the lynx, the black stork and the imperial eagle.
They deserved it, because they are one hundred children from all over Spain who have not had the opportunity to fulfil these dreams, but who proved with their teamwork on animal behaviour and a video that they wanted to be part of the Big Five family of adventurers.

One hundred children from Barcelona, Zaragoza, Seville, Malaga, Madrid, Bilbao, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Tenerife, Murcia, Valencia and Palma de Mallorca travelled to the territories where the big five of the Iberian fauna live. CaixaProinfancia, the “la Caixa” Welfare Project programme that fights against child poverty and social exclusion, has helped more than 272,000 vulnerable children and teenagers in the main Spanish cities since its launch in 2007. The aim of the programme is to ensure that children and young people aged between 0 and 18 in situations of poverty or social exclusion have the same opportunities as other children.
On 11, 12, 13 and 14 May 2017, one hundred children at risk of vulnerability from all over Spain enjoyed a weekend of adventure, thanks to the CaixaProinfancia programme of Obra Social La Caixa. Divided into five groups, they got to know the wolf in the Sierra de la Culebra in the province of Zamora and in the Riaño Mountains in Leon, the Iberian lynx in the Doñana National Park, the bear in the Fuentes de Narcea National Park (Asturias) and the imperial eagle and the black stork in the Valle de Alcudia National Park in Ciudad Real.
Accompanied by experienced guides, they became true expeditionaries capable of approaching and observing the fauna with the utmost respect for their environment: they were able to follow its footprints, learn about its customs, sharpen their senses and experience a unique adventure marked by togetherness and companionship.

Maykol García
His name is tantamount to survival. Maykol has dedicated his whole life to the study and practice of the techniques and skills that allow man to survive in the harshest terrain on Earth.
He has lived for more than 3 years with the Yanomami, Piaroas and Panares aboriginal tribes of the headwaters of the Orinoco River in the Amazon jungle, he has survived with the nomadic Teknas tribes of the Sahara and every year he undertakes a research and development project that takes him to the most extreme situations.

TVE TELEDIARIO 1 12.5.2017